Detecting Fraud Using Data Analytics for Non-Financial Activities
May, 2016

Register today for this June 5-6 conference. 

The 2-day event will provide up to 16 hours of CPE that will include a pre-conference session on advance audit tools and techniques and part III of the CIA review course. The keynote presentations will be panel discussion on audit fundamentals and keys attributes to the Internal Audit profession by top Chief Audit Executives(CAE) in Southern California and John Tonsick addressing Earning your place at the table. You can then tailor the balance of the education to your specific needs, choosing from 16 breakout sessions across the following 4 tracks: Executive Leadership Insights (GRC); Risk and Strategic Insights (AF); Ethics & Fraud Insights (EF); and The World of Data Mining (TWD).

Doug Hileman presents on June 6: Fraud & data Analytics in Operations, Compliance and Non-Financial Reporting.

Current Trends for EHS Auditing
May, 2016

?CLICK HERE to listen to a podcast on this topic

EHS auditing needs to grow beyond its history of focusing on regulatory compliance and should consider all categories of enterprise risk, says Doug Hileman, who has been performing EHS audits for the past 40 years. In this exclusive EHSAC AuditCast, learn about current trends in EHS auditing and its relationship to the internal audit function. Doug performed his first EHS audit in the late 1970s.
