IIA ESG Symposium” – April 6, 2021
Trends in sustainability reporting, and how Internal Audit, Environmental Audit can mitigate risk and add value. (Click Here)

ESG is Here to Stay
The session explores ESG as a business imperative. Doug takes four timely ESG topics, highlighting impact, societal awareness, growth in regulatory actions. And how smart companies have seized opportunities, and raised expectations of investors. Management, Internal Audit, and EHS functions take special note. Contact us for presentation handouts. (Click Here)

Update on Non-Financial Reporting” – IIA LA; March 9, 2021
From a humble start just 20 years ago, there are now many sustainability reporting standards and frameworks (“non-financial reporting”). The coverage, profile, and importance has exploded – even during the COVID-19 pandemic. The session included updates on four key frameworks, and suggestions on how to keep pace. Contact us for presentation handouts. (Click Here)