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Blog Posts
Countering Sustainability Backlash Part 1: Clap Back
August, 2024

Backlash against Sustainability – or any “ESG” issue – is now widespread. States have restricted considerations for their pension fund investments. Companies have backtracked on public statements and commitments, reduced staff or eliminated departments altogether. Recent posts for Sustainability leaders have suggested achieving consensus, and tying Sustainability to business value.

This sounds like trying to convince someone that a man actually did walk on the moon. Gentle persuasion won’t work – it hasn’t so far, so why would it now?

Some readers will remember the kitschy advertisement for “clap on, clap off!” light fixtures. A broad array of stakeholders “clapped Sustainability on”, and the backlash drivers have “clapped it off.” It’s time to clap again. Although it may not be your nature, Douglas Hileman Consulting LLC (DHC) suggests you clap back. Challenge the drivers of backlash to explain why they aren’t using it. Some points below.  (Read More)
