DHC Named a Top Management Consultant by CR Magazine
Blog Posts
October, 2023 
SEC Settles with Deutsche Bank on ESG, Part 3
Where did Deutsche Bank go wrong?  Probably the same places you are.  Read more. ...
SEC Settles with Deutsche Bank on ESG, Part 2
$16 million isn’t a huge penalty.  DB probably got relief for some factors.  Here are five possibilities.  Read more. ...
SEC Settles with Deutsche Bank on ESG, Part 1
What’s missing from the settlement, announced 9/25/2023?  Some issues resolved, some unaddressed.  Read more. ...
September, 2023 
ISSB Consultation on Agenda Priorities DHC Comments
Doug submits comments to ISSB on their Consultation for Agenda Priorities.  Key points include:  stay with ISSB mission; maintain industry focus; and do what no others can.  Read more, and access full comment lett...
July, 2023 
SEC and Scope 3: In or Out? It Doesn’t Matter.
Memo to those hoping that an SEC will not require disclosure of Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in a final climate disclosure rule:  It won’t matter.  Your organization will need to calculate and report Sc...
July, 2023 
ISSB Sustainability Disclosure Standards: Who’s In? Who’s Out? Who Might be Surprised? (One o
The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) released two Sustainability disclosure standards on June 26, 2023[1].  With many developments in the Sustainability/ ESG space – and more on the horizon (not...
April, 2023 
IIIA Exposure Draft Global Internal Audit Standards: Six Suggestions for Improvement
The Institute of Internal Auditors released an exposure draft of Global Internal Audit Standards (“draft GIAS”).  These standards will affect the Internal Audit profession and all who rely on it – the board, m...
IIA Exposure Draft Global Internal Audit Standards: Five Things I Liked (or Mostly)
The Institute of Internal Auditors has released an exposure draft of Global Internal Audit Standards (“draft GIAS”).  These standards will affect the Internal Audit profession and all who rely on it.  Here are ...
March, 2023 
ESG Assurance Readiness: Preparing for Verification
IIA’s GAM session was SRO, with more online. Doug and Edward Olson (Partner and [Canadian] National Leader for ESG) offered takeaways. Read more....
March, 2023 
“Assurance isn’t an X-Ray”
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists calls out KPMG.  Social media provides thoughtful comments, including one about X-rays.  Doug says more. ...