DHC Named a Top Management Consultant by CR Magazine
Blog Posts
October, 2016 
On High Alert – CR Magazine
Doug is one of three experts who share why companies should be aware of risk and steps to take to mitigate it. Here is the article, in its entirety. _________________________________________ Three experts ...
October, 2016 
Internal Audit and Social Media – at IIA SGV Chapter
Social Media is everywhere – maybe even on Internal Audit’s radar screen. With a topic this pervasive, how does Internal Audit approach it for purposes of risk assessment, conducting an audit, or embedding it int...
October, 2016 
Department of Commerce’s Obligations for IPSAs: Commerce Deserves a Break
The GAO’s third annual report, (Aug. 2016) came down hard on Commerce for not fulfilling a statutory requirement pertaining to the Independent Private Sector Audit (IPSA) provision of the SEC Rule. DHC believes ...
October, 2016 
Companies Face Continuing Challenges…
Douglas Hileman Consulting LLC (DHC) provides this tip sheet on the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) third annual report pursuant to Section 1052 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection...
August, 2016 
Frameworks for Non-Financial Reporting; for EHS Auditors
Doug Hileman presents “Frameworks for Non-Financial Reporting” at EHS Audit Center. The Environmental, Health & Safety Exchange, presented by The IIA’s Environmental, Health & Safety Audit Center, is...
August, 2016 
Frameworks for Non-Financial Reporting; tailored to Internal Audit
Reasons to Attend The 2016 Los Angeles Chapter Two Days Fall Conference Network with your peers, while sharing and discussing cutting edge ideas and concepts Earn up to 16 CPEs in our Center of Excellence, GR...
August, 2016 
Frameworks for Non-Financial Reporting; IIA Orange County Chapter
DHC is pleased to announce that Doug Hileman will deliver his presentation on "Frameworks for Non-Financial Reporting" at the IIA's Orange County Chapter Meeting on Tuesday, August 16th. OC Chapter - August 2016 L...
July, 2016 
DHC Submits Comments to SEC
The SEC published a Concept Release seeking public comments on modernizing certain business and financial disclosure requirements in Regulation S-K. DHC submitted comments to SEC on the Concept Release for Regulatio...
June, 2016 
Forced Labor? Occupational Hazards? A Risk – and Costly Distraction – at Tesla
Elon Musk is a visionary in the news as the face of the coming thing: the Tesla auto, the new Model X, batteries to get your house off the grid, and satellites and space travel. A tactical responsibility for dealing ...
June, 2016 
Supply Chain Compliance and Governance Best Practices
PUBLICATION UPDATE: See the MAY/JUNE 2016 issue for this informative Roundtable Discussion. Three experts on supply chain compliance including Doug Hileman, discuss and weigh in on best practices. The team has presen...